9th Grade Breakfast with the Principle

Thank you to all our parents who donated food and drink items for our breakfast, as well as the wonderful volunteer committee! A huge shout out to Buttermilk, Der Dutchman, and United Natural Foods for donating delicious breakfast items!

During the first period, all IB freshmen enjoyed a buffet breakfast and received a personal welcome from our Riverview HS Principal, Mrs. Haughey, and our IB Coordinator, Dr. Jim Minor. The administrative staff and IB counselors were introduced as well.

Riverview High School
1 Ram Way
Sarasota, Florida 34231
(941) 923-1484

Contact Us
E-mail the IBPO Executive Board:

James Minor
(IB Coordinator)
Click Here

Trudi Ellis
(Riverview IB Administrative Asst.)

Click Here

Jessica Bies
(IBCP Coordinator)

Click Here

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