11th Grade Pinning Ceremony

The junior IB students were formally inducted into the IB program, receiving their IB pins from the senior class students.  Thank you to our wonderful 11th Gr. Pinning committee for organizing a beautiful ceremony!  The Kiltie Drumline entertained the arriving guests; Dr. Pat Okker, President of New College, spoke to the junior class and their families; and cookies were enjoyed by all after the ceremony.

A huge thank you to Daniel Perales for capturing photos of the evening.

Riverview High School
1 Ram Way
Sarasota, Florida 34231
(941) 923-1484

Contact Us
E-mail the IBPO Executive Board:

James Minor
(IB Coordinator)
Click Here

Trudi Ellis
(Riverview IB Administrative Asst.)

Click Here

Jessica Bies
(IBCP Coordinator)

Click Here

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